Music and painting improvisation, a happening which main feature is seeking a total art, a sensorial unique experience: paint it rock.

Oil on canvas - Béatrice de France 
After the first edition with IG band (Gianni Maroccolo, Luca Bergia, Ivana Gatti, Daniela Savoldi e Atzmo) and Bachi da Pietra band, with the performance “at the beginning were Shadows”, it has been NoN band that has inspired me this time with their dark and powerful rock.
Canvas and interaction between their music and my painting lets created together the performance “about Shady alleys and Planet rays”, at Koan Studio and Progresso Theatre in Florence in 2021.

Koan Studio

Il Progresso

The event has been written about in a nice article of Lungarno magazine, art and entertainment monthly newspaper:

“Di calle ombrose e raggi del pianeta” la performance di improvvisazione teatrale in streaming

I hope the Russians love their children too
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