    Photo by Marco Ortolani Kuemmel

Art expression is a touch point.

So it is between the artist and his subconscious, his feelings and sentiments.
Besides it is a dialogue between different art forms: improvised interaction of music together with painting.
It connects avant-garde researches.

For instance, phenomenology studies of Edmund Husserl (described in Logical Research of 1900) have been elaborated by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque through cubism : mind creates several points of view that cannot be seen, as to define entirely a reality.

It is a touch point between the artist and the achieved piece viewer.


     Inside.Nantucket - Pencil and watercolor 20,5x14cm                        B. de France
Art expression is unprecedented, unique, product of a very personal thought, of one’s mind and feeling deeper parts.
According to Michele Diomà it is a way of elaborating based upon one’s imagination, of a very subjective observation spirit and not the reiteration of other persons works. This “clown’s maieutic” has been used by Albert Einstein, Adriano Olivetti, Pablo Picasso as well as Federico Fellini.


Music is chemistry
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